Twitter Grab Bag
1) Juicy find this morning: Saruman sings heavy metal. #ineedgimmegimme 2) From a day or two ago I bookmarked this article on scientist priests throughout history. Besides listing Jesuits like Lemaitre, […]
1) Juicy find this morning: Saruman sings heavy metal. #ineedgimmegimme 2) From a day or two ago I bookmarked this article on scientist priests throughout history. Besides listing Jesuits like Lemaitre, […]
I want to bring an article to your attention. This is a review of Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby, but also a commentary on the film’s popularity among Millennials. The film, […]
Let’s say that you’re a Catholic living in the Star Trek universe. Specifically, you’re on the U.S.S. Enterprise during the opening scene of the new movie, Star Trek Into Darkness. The […]
I want to thank Steven D. Greydanus of www.decentfilms.com for writing a column called “Top 10 Movie Moms”. He started me thinking: What makes a great Movie Mom? Certainly she […]
Thanks to Netflix I’ve seen most episodes of “Everybody Loves Raymond” more than once. Genuinely funny, the show is a sitcom classic. It’s also uncomfortable and downright annoying. Ray’s appeasement […]
Recently I’ve been contemplating the meet cute, which is the term for how two people destined to fall in love in a story meet. Think of your favorite romantic movies, […]
Consider this a trailer, even though an entire movie is included. The following website has the 8-part series posted, which I intend to watch at some point. In the meantime, […]
Atlas Shrugged, classic novel and conservative manifesto, has finally been successfully optioned and produced. Decades of stories about who was slated to make Atlas, starting with a screenplay from the […]
David Mamet, celebrated playwright, moviemaker (and curmudgeon) says The Lady Eve is a perfect movie. Or a superlative of equal weight. I don’t have his book, Bambi vs. Godzilla, in […]
Originally posted to the internet March 25, 2010 My good friend asked me to read William P. Young’s The Shack and give my thoughts. I’d never heard of the book, […]