Is the Meet Cute all that cute?
Recently I’ve been contemplating the meet cute, which is the term for how two people destined to fall in love in a story meet. Think of your favorite romantic movies, […]
Recently I’ve been contemplating the meet cute, which is the term for how two people destined to fall in love in a story meet. Think of your favorite romantic movies, […]
Yo. The Legend of Zelda series has always been my favorite video game series, but I recently had a lapse in faith: I began to doubt their right to that […]
I got a serious kick out of this. (Warning: a lot of ads) Oh, yeah, and even better: New trailer for Zelda: Skyward Sword! Actually, the trailer’s mostly the same […]
Yo, just dropping by to share the new trailer for an amazing game due this November. Awright. I’m very much looking forward to this game (almost as much as I […]
Kathleen, Stuart and I met this morning for our weekly screenwriting class. For more on what we mean by “screen writing class” click HERE for an overview of what we […]
For the Fall semester of 2010 Kathleen, Stuart, and I started a screenwriting class. It was just the three of us, we were like the Three Musketeers, and yes, the […]
Consider this a trailer, even though an entire movie is included. The following website has the 8-part series posted, which I intend to watch at some point. In the meantime, […]
Yo, I’m dropping by to post my unprofessional opinion on Disney’s Epic Mickey, released in 2010 for the Nintendo Wii. We received this particular game barely a few months ago […]
Atlas Shrugged, classic novel and conservative manifesto, has finally been successfully optioned and produced. Decades of stories about who was slated to make Atlas, starting with a screenplay from the […]
Yo, just dropping by to discuss the latest news in the entertainment industry! Take a look at this: I’m honestly excited. It looks much more interesting than Origins: Wolverine, and […]