The Zelda Movie That Didn’t Quite Make It
Yo. This news might be a few days old, but it’s fresh for me, and I need to post something. Anyone remember Imagi Studios? For those who don’t know, Imagi is an […]
Yo. This news might be a few days old, but it’s fresh for me, and I need to post something. Anyone remember Imagi Studios? For those who don’t know, Imagi is an […]
Welcome aboard and buckle up. You’re in for a few jokes as I describe why this movie, then a bit of trivia about this movie, followed by a lengthy retelling […]
Yo. I’m sorry to say this post will contain very little original content; for one reason or another I’ve been struggling to gather enthusiasm for a good post. I’ll get […]
Yo. A while back I saw a trailer for the upcoming sci-fi film Elysium. I wasn’t interested, but as its debut approaches the filmmakers have released a new, longer trailer. […]
Yo, E3 is upon us again. So far we’ve only gotten some teasers for upcoming XBone games, but this one takes the cake for me: I’m really digging the beard […]
Yo. To make the title to this post more accurate: it will soon be legal for fan fiction authors to make money off their work with the help of Amazon.com, […]
Yo again. So, apparently somebody named Katie Couric has produced a television special (I think?) where she vehemently argues that videogames are addictive, ruinous things that turn people to violence. […]
Yo, just a quick “my two cents on this abnormal news story” post. Nintendo is filing a sort of copyright claim on any YouTube videos of a sufficient length that showcase footage […]
I got a serious kick out of this. (Warning: a lot of ads) Oh, yeah, and even better: New trailer for Zelda: Skyward Sword! Actually, the trailer’s mostly the same […]
Yo, just dropping by to discuss the latest news in the entertainment industry! Take a look at this: I’m honestly excited. It looks much more interesting than Origins: Wolverine, and […]