The Walking Dead Episode One “A New Day” – Enneagram
Yo. Due to technical issues, both of my Let’s Plays are currently on hold, possibly for as long as another two weeks. But I still have a few videos uploaded to […]
Yo. Due to technical issues, both of my Let’s Plays are currently on hold, possibly for as long as another two weeks. But I still have a few videos uploaded to […]
Yo. Steam had quite the sale a few weeks — no, nearly two months ago, and we couldn’t resist buying one or two (or three or five) games on the cheap. I […]
More like Let’s Play of the Month, really. Yo. It’s been a long time since I updated this particular series. In fact, I had basically given up — the last […]
Yo. MrBtongue has a new video. Joy and rapture! It’s about The Witcher, an acclaimed series of Polish novels-turned-videogames. I’ve mentioned them before. I’m a huge fan of MrBtongue and […]
Yo. Last time, I considered the Main Enneagram to Mass Effect, but with that finished I can back up and start analyzing the story in more detail. For now it […]
Imagine, if you will, my awe-filled tone as I whisper . . . “The Elder Scrolls: Online“. Pr0n-apalooza at the link.
Yo. As promised, I’m going to analyze the main plot of the game before boring down to the specific episodes. This will also serve as a poor man’s synopsis of […]
Yo. So, you know how I just said I was still on my first legs with Assassin’s Creed 2? Apparently there was only one mission remaining. I finished it. So, it’s […]
Here is a truly ridiculous article about the Western in the wake of The Lone Ranger‘s box office debacle. Don’t click through. The article wants to declare the Western passe, […]
Yo. More like “first, second, sixth, etc. impressions of AC2.” I’ve been playing this one for a few days. But I’m not quite done with the game yet, so there […]