The Lasso says No

The post gets the Wonder Woman “Fires of Truth” image. She senses a movie that must burn to the ground in shame.

Two competing reviews came through my tabs today for the newly released movie The Internship. (It’s The Wedding Crashers go to Google.)

Review One, from the NYPost, says that the movie is . . .

[quote]essentially a rehash of “Old School” only with a tech campus instead of a college one, but, problem: Coding is unlike dumb fraternity stunts — it is neither cinematic nor fakeable[/quote]

In other words, Review One thinks the movie is horrible. One star.

However, Review Two at Breitbart says:

[quote]If you’ve seen a previous film starring Vaughn or Wilson, you probably know where this solidly safe story is going. Aside from a few potty jokes and an oddly out-of-place journey to a strip club, the film never strays from its simple formula.[/quote]

A simple formula?

Why, that sounds like what I would call the Enneagram!

Review Two also mentions this:

[quote]The focus on these teammates undermines the first half of the story because when they are teamed up with  Billy and Nick, they are incredibly nasty. We realize that the team will eventually coalesce but for the first forty-five minutes of insults, cold looks and lunch table antics, it’s hard to look at their cruel teammates in anything other than a negative light.[/quote]

Why that sounds like a textbook Four!

Yet, the movie is, at best, “tolerable”. I suspect that the suspension of disbelief that Review One cannot condone would affect me, too. If I, lame old person, know enough about coding to see the thin plot, then the majority of the youth demographic will cringe at it.

Thus, the potty jokes apparently.

I am not tempted to see this one. The Fires of Truth say that, Enneagram or not, this movie must burn.



  1. I’ve never been interested in seeing Wedding Crashers either, so I guess I’m not missing much here.

    1. Yeah, I was reaching for a post and hit this. I’m not particularly interested in the movie, either, but the Wonder Woman Scorch Glare . . . I anticipate a recurring meme.

  2. I’d watch it, but taste is not so much of an issue for me … as long as its got a solid enneagram!

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