
Want to focus on only one aspect of my scatter shot of writing interests?

The Mermaid Boneyard — diary and process of an original novel in progress.

Jane Eyre — a musical adaptation for screen/stage in progress. With music!

Tribe of Liars — the family’s gaming IP in development at the Worthington Studios (ie, the garage)

The Fifth Husband is a completed first draft screenplay, currently in revision. Click the title for a post of the first few pages.

See all of Kathleen’s posts in one convenient location!

Kathleen’s imdb page, which I offer as a joke– I mean, as an important reference of my professional qualifications.

Coming soon . . . the Kate Worthington audio files. I give a dramatic reading of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, and a bang-up spectacular presentation of Northanger Abbey. The recordings are done; the pesky engineering is all that remains.