Stuart Reads A Game of Thrones – Chapter 09-10

Don't worry, I don't smoke soap bubbles in real life. That would be silly.

Chapter 9 – Tyrion

Ah, a chapter from the “Imp of Lannister’s” perspective? This will be interesting, although I’m not sure what to think of him right now. He was totally awesome to Jon Snow, but then again, I just saw his brother and sister murder a little boy. Dilemma.

[quote]Somewhere in the great stone maze of Winterfell, a wolf howled. The sound hung over the castle like a flag of mourning.

Tyrion Lannister looked up from his books and shivered, though the library was snug and warm. Something about the howling of a wolf took a man right out of his here and now and left him in a dark forest of the mind, running naked before the pack.[/quote]

First of all, really cool sentence there. Second, is that the same howl from the end of the last chapter? Is this happening at the same time as Bran’s death? Or is this a separate howl?

Tyrion’s leaving the library and having a difficult time with the stairs, as they’re designed for a non-dwarf, and he hears this:

[quote]Sandor Clegane’s rasping voice drifted up to him. “The boy is a long time dying. I wish he would be quicker about it.”

Tyrion glanced down and saw the Hound standing with young Joffrey as squires swarmed around them. “At least he dies quietly,” the prince replied. “It’s the wolf that makes the noise. I could scarcely sleep last night.”[/quote]

What? The fall didn’t kill Bran and now he’s slowly dying in a bed somewhere. What. What. This is awful.

[quote]Tyrion turned to his nephew. “Joffrey, it is past time you called on Lord Eddard and his lady, to offer them your comfort.”

Joffrey looked as petulant as only a boy prince can look. “What good will my comfort do them?”

“None,” Tyrion said. “Yet it is expected of you. Your absence has been noted.”

“The Stark boy is nothing to me,” Joffrey said. “I cannot abide the wailing of women.”

Tyrion Lannister reached up and slapped his nephew hard across the face. The boy’s cheeks began to redden.[/quote]

Hit ’em again, bro.

[quote]Tyrion hit him again. Now both cheeks flamed.[/quote]

Called it. Still, Tyrion’s clearly aware of what really happened to Bran and has apparently done nothing about it — not that he really can — so he’s obviously not the most morally-upstanding dude in this book. He manages to convince Joffrey to offer condolences to the Starks, then goes to see his siblings at breakfast, where I get this interesting bit of character insight:

[quote]There was very little that Jaime took seriously. Tyrion knew that about his brother, and forgave it. During all the terrible long years of his childhood, only Jaime had ever shown him the smallest measure of affection or respect, and for that Tyrion was willing to forgive him most anything.[/quote]

Even child murder? Hmm. Tyrion doesn’t seem to respect any of the other Lannisters, so his devotion to Jaime might be the only thing keeping him from telling the Starks the truth behind Bran’s death serious injury. Unless I’m still overestimating Tyrion’s ethics — I barely know the guy.

Wait, wait, I might be wrong about Tyrion’s knowledge of said serious injury. It seems only Ser Jaime and the Queen (who’s name is Cersei) know the truth, but Tyrion clearly suspects it. The younger Lannisters — Princess Myrcella and Prince Tommen, but excluding Joffrey — are hopeful that Bran will recover from his injuries. So, is Bran in a coma? He must be, or else he would have told his parents what he saw in the broken tower, right? The Queen and Ser Jaime are clearly on-edge about this. Sweet, crispy tension.

[quote]”What were the Maester’s words?” Jaime asked.

. . . “He thinks that if the boy were going to die, he would have done so already. It has been four days with no change.”[/quote]

Four days? Poor Bran. He’s gotta be in a coma, then. Oh jeez, apparently Bran broke his back and pulverized his legs. He will never walk again. Good grief. Also, apparently the howling of Bran’s direwolf is keeping him alive somehow? Not clear on that, people think it’s just a coincidence. Hmm.

Apparently Tyrion wants to stay behind in Winterfell so he can hang out with Jon Snow and see the Wall for himself. Yes please.

[quote]”Even if the boy does live, he will be a cripple. Worse than a cripple. A grotesque. Give me a good clean death.”

Tyrion replied with a shrug that accentuated the twist of his shoulders. “Speaking for the grotesques,” he said, “I beg to differ. Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities . . . I hope the boy does wake. I would be most interested to hear what he might have to say.”

His brother’s smile curdled like sour milk. “Tyrion, my sweet brother,” he said darkly, “there are times when you give me cause to wonder whose side you are on.”[/quote]

Ooh, ooh, I like where this is going.

Summary Time: Not much of anything happens, but I learn that Bran survived attempted murder and is now unconscious, under watch by his family. The incredibly witty and intelligent Tyrion suspects his siblings of the attempted murder, but has yet to do anything other than eat bacon. Like a boss.

I’m glad I have this information, but this chapter was very short and was clearly designed as a mini-epilogue to the last chapter, so I’m gonna read another. Can’t stop me now.

Chapter 10 – Jon

Jon Snow? *celebratory dance* Bring it on, Jon.

Jon’s going to visit Bran. He hasn’t before now because Lady Stark — Catelyn — has basically been living up there ever since Bran’s injury. She’s even had her chamber pots delivered there. So, Jon’s been avoiding her, and by extension, Bran. But it sounds like he can’t wait any longer — Bran’s not going to get better.

[quote]”I came to see Bran,” Jon said. “To say good-bye.”

Her face did not change, Her long auburn hair was dull and tangled. She looked as though she had aged twenty years. “You’ve said it. Now go away.”

. . . He took a nervous step into the room. “Please,” he said.

Something cold moved in her eyes. “I told you to leave,” she said. “We don’t want you here.”[/quote]

Holy crap, Catelyn. I mean, yeah, your son’s dying, it’s awful, but jeez.

Jon stands his ground, even when Catelyn threatens to call the guards on him, and walks right up to Bran’s bed.

[quote]”Bran,” he said, “I’m sorry I didn’t come before. I was afraid.” He could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks. Jon no longer cared. “Don’t die, Bran. Please. We’re all waiting for you to wake up.”[/quote]

Jon’s crying. 🙁

[quote]Outside the window, the direwolf howled again. The wolf that Bran had not had time to name.[/quote]

Yes, I know that already. Please stop reminding me or I’ll get something in my eye.

Jon says his goodbye — he needs to leave for the Wall today — and on his way out Lady Stark stops him:

[quote]He turned to find her looking at his face, as if she were seeing it for the first time.[/quote]

Oh, oh, is she gonna apologize now for hating his guts?

[quote]”Yes?” he said.

“It should have been you,” she told him.[/quote]

You’re being such a Denethor, Catelyn.

Also, now I’m imagining Jon Snow as David Wenham, which is doubly glorious because Jon supposedly resembles his father Eddard, who’s Sean Bean. (Yes, I know I’ve been over that before. And yes, I know David Wenham is about two decades too old for the role of Jon Snow. It’s perfect anyway.)

*sigh* Well, Jon leaves the tower with that pleasant little farewell and seeks out his brother Robb, who’s busy organizing things for the trip to Storm’s End.

[quote][Robb] smiled. “The next time I see you, you’ll be all in black.”

Jon forced himself to smile back. “It was always my color. How long do you think it will be?”

“Soon enough,” Robb promised. He pulled Jon to him and embraced him fiercely. “Farewell, Snow.”[/quote]

That’s more like it. I swear, how difficult is it to be a loving, supportive family member?

Jon goes to say goodbye to his sister Arya last, and he tells her he’s got a present for her. Based on their conversation from a few chapters ago, I’m guessing it will be a sword.

[quote]Arya’s eyes went wide. Dark eyes, like his. “A sword,” she said in a small, hushed breath.[/quote]

Pretty obvious, but of course it’s still sweet. Jon tells her to practice with it in secret, then they hug and cry and laugh and it’s very cute, and this farewell more than the other two puts Jon in a good mood. He sets out for the Wall . . .

And the chapter’s over. Clearly I made the right choice including more than one chapter per post, since these things seem to be getting even shorter. We’ll see if that lasts, though.

Summary Time: Jon Snow leaves for the Wall to serve as a Night’s Watchman. Before he goes he says his goodbyes, gives Arya a sword, and gets seriously dissed by his step-mother, the Lady Stark.

It’s like . . . I’ve read two chapters from Catelyn’s POV, so I’ve been inside her head, and she was fine. I mean, I get it — I understand her grievances, and this is a stressful time for her, obviously — but damn her eyes, man. Every bit of new information I read concerning Jon Snow endears me more and more to the guy, so this relentless douchebaggery will not stand. It won’t. Argh.

Anyway, this chapter also felt like an epilogue to the traumatic events of Chapter 8, which makes me realize the next few chapters will probably resemble this too. Now that I consider it, this chapter and the last aren’t like epilogues, exactly, but like the beginning of a new episode, an episode reacting to the startling climax of a prior episode.

Yeah, I haven’t seen the Game of Thrones TV show, but I’m betting right now that the first episode cuts off at the end of Chapter 8, with Bran falling to his (un)certain death. That’s where I would cut it.

As short as this chapter and the last were, I’m glad they were presented from my two favorite characters’ perspectives. (It’s like G.R.R. wrote the book with this blog in mind, wow.) Jon is clear protagonist material — an outcast and an underdog, with youthful flaws and hidden depths, easily capable of greatness if someone were to just give him a chance. (Like, swoon and stuff.)

I like Tyrion, on the other hand, the way I liked Lex Luthor on Smallville: he’s not really a good guy, but he’s so smart, snarky and strong-willed that you can’t help but root for him. I look forward to more from both of these characters.

See you next time and thanks for reading.


EDIT: See Ian’s illustration for Chapter 9 here, and his Chapter 10 illustration here.

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